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Lady on a Bicycle

Going Long on the Bike

Bicycle Riding
Reginald Holden
Cycling and Triathlon Clothing from Coeur Sports

When it comes to racing, you need to plan to succeed

Sarah Borst Jarvis
Women Hugging

A Quick Chat with Coeur Founder Kebby Holden

Coeur at Kona
Reginald Holden
Professional Cyclists and Triathlete April

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

Coeur Pro April Gellatly

Let's Hear It for Best Friends

Coeur Celebrates Friends
Reginald Holden

Cycling brings a Human Connection

Coeur Sports Team

We chat with Liz Cullen from Brite Coaching

Brite Coaching Logo
Reginald Holden

Around the Coeur World

We may have mentioned this, but we absolutely love sharing news about Coeur’s customers, ambassadors, pros, and friends. Oh, and just to be clear, “friends” is not a mutually exclusive category.

Kim at camp

Reginald Holden

One on one with Coeur Founder and Designer - Kebby Holden

Sometimes people use the two terms Fashion and Style interchangeably but I think there is a distinct difference between the two. Yves Saint Laurent said it best when he said “Fashions fade, style is eternal”. At Coeur, we try very hard to bring an element of style to our gear.

Kebby and her husband

Reginald Holden

Baby, it's cold outside! How Coeur's Triathlete and Runner friends are braving the Winter Weather

I really can’t stay. But Baby, it’s cold outside. I’ve got to go away. But Baby, it’s cold outside.

Do you remember that song? It’s been around for a long time and has been sung as a duet by everyone from Esther Williams & Ricardo Montalban to Seth McFarlane & Sara Bareilles.

Erin Jumping

Reginald Holden

Let's Get Real - In Defense of the Athlete Model

On more than one occasion, we have an individual suggest that we make some changes to our marketing material.  We believe that these people are trying to be helpful as they suggest things, like doing a bit of photo-shopping or that we might consider using different models, both larger and smaller. 
woman riding a bike
Reginald Holden
Tagged: Women's Cycling

Why Coeur Supports The Women's Cycling Association

Recently, we had company strategy meeting and spent time discussing what we stood for as a company. We’ve tried to be fairly vocal about our desire to encourage people to live a lifestyle of health and fitness and we think we talk and blog about it a lot (hopefully, we’re not over doing it).

Women's Cycling Association Site

Reginald Holden