The Latest @ Coeur
Purity of Intent at CAF
It’s rare. So rare that when you see it, you know immediately that it is very, very important. The whiteness of its light. It’s steadfastness. It’s resolve. But it’s hard to describe. Initially, we said it was “pure goodness”. Eventually, we decided that “Purity of Intent” was more appropriate. We’re still searching for the right words.
But we know where to find an example of it. San Diego, California. On Waples street to be more precise. On Thursday, we’re going to the headquarters of the Challenged Athletes Foundation.
Goodness Emanates from this place. CAF Headquarters
Amazing Displays of Heart and Courage
Perhaps the only downside to having such an amazing team of women at Coeur is that someone is racing somewhere almost every weekend and it’s hard to tear oneself away from in front of the computer.
Especially now as the polar vortex has started to release its grip and our ladies are starting to get out to test their early season fitness.
But what a weekend it was. Here are a few of the efforts that we’re celebrating:
Philippines Xterra
Mid-week musings. Who is the greatest of all time?

It’s in a very hip area of Santa Monica, California and we can count Bonk Breakers, Yoga Glow film studios and even a training center for classical musicians as neighbors. On Sunday afternoons, the classical musicians train and incredible notes from violins can be heard in the distance. Despite being in Santa Monica, the office park is quiet on Sundays and the music is magical. But I digress.
Inspired beyond words. Meet Amy Gluck
They say one of the roles of a teacher is to prepare students for the future. In that regard, endurance sports is one hell of a teacher. It compels us to work hard. It teaches us humility. It teaches us how to set goals and the thrill of meeting them.
But maybe most of all, it teaches us to endure hardship.
If that is the case, then our next athlete is definitely a straight A student.
It is with sincere admiration, a dose of awe, and great pleasure that we announce our Heart and Courage Ambassador, Amy Gluck!
In September of 2012, Amy was in Michigan putting the final touches on her annual Kona prep when she nearly lost her life. While on her last long training ride, Amy, who had the right of way, was hit by a gravel hauler truck. Her injuries were devastating and many thought she would not survive. In fact, most thought she wouldn't. She was a beloved member of the triathlon community and that community was in shock.
But those who know Amy know that she was a fighter and she never gives up. In an awe-inspiring display of courage, tenacity and toughness, Amy endured a medically induced coma and multiple surgeries.