For every high, there has to be a low…right? Up, Down. Forward, Backward. Good and Bad. Sort of like the Newtonian law that for every action, there has to be an equal and opposite reaction. The vast majority of the time, we’d say yes, that is the case.

However, that is not so when the topic of appearance comes up. At least in our book. In our opinion, just because one person with a certain body type looks good, someone with the exact opposite body type does not look bad. Beauty is subjective and most definitely in the eye of the beholder.

We know we’re wading into a potential mine field here on the topic of body types, body image, and something as superficial as appearance, but trust us, our intent is pure and there’s a reason. As the North American race season starts to unfold, we want to make sure that the path is clear for us to compliment the individuals who are transforming their bodies through thoughtful diet and exercise. Now that doesn’t mean that if you haven’t dramatically reconfigured your figure, you have anything at all of which to be ashamed.

It’s just that over the years we’ve seen so many of you exercise and race your way into shape for you’re A-race and we’ve stood on the sidelines and cheered privately. By and large, we’ve been cautious about commenting on some amazing abs, quads, and shoulders because we didn’t want our comments to be misinterpreted. You see, it's not the look itself that we're applauding as much as it is the fact that an individual challenged the status quo and accomplished something that takes time, effort, and will power.

So, we’ve decided to end our self-imposed silence and start cheering a bit more loudly from now on. That’s because the human body is an amazing and beautiful machine and it should be appreciated. Once when we lived in San Diego, we had the good fortune of meeting Chrissy Wellington. She was speaking at a tri club meeting and when she walked into the room, our jaws dropped. There was no doubt that she had crafted her body into an almost perfect swim, bike, run machine. Incredible shoulders, chiseled arms, and calves with a distinct diamond shape. It was like we were watching a Ferrari idling at a stop light and at any moment, she could just step on the gas and fly off.

We’ve seen similar results with many of you. The hours spent on the bike, track and in the pool start to lean-out your body and reshape your muscles in preparation for race day.

 Coeur Run Shorts

 Elaina looks Abs..solutely fit.

Over time, your clothes begin to fit differently and there’s frequently a bit more room in the waist line of your pants. To be fair though, there may be a bit less room in the legs as hours on the bike tend to expand those quads.

 Coeur Sponsored Athletes

 Got Quads? Kim Schwabenbauer does.

These transformations always inspire us and want to let you know that we’re cheering. So, congratulations on your results, please keep sharing, and keep up the great work!

Happy Training and Racing!

Your friends at Coeur



Reginald Holden