Coeur Velo Workouts
Workouts of the week:
Tuesday, November 12th - Down the Hatch
Warmup 15min building from 45-75% FTP
2min easy @ 40% FTP
4x20 sec 110% FTP, 40 sec easy 40% FTP
2min easy @ 40% FTP
3min @ 90% FTP (80% PE)
1min @ 100% FTP (85% PE)
1min @ 110%FTP (95% PE)
2min easy @ 45% FTP (<50% PE)
3min @ 90% FTP (80% PE)
1min @ 100% FTP (85% PE)
1min @ 110%FTP (95% PE)
2min easy @ 45% FTP (<50% PE)
1min @ 120% FTP (95+% PE)
2min easy @ 45% FTP (<50% PE)
3min @ 90% FTP (80% PE)
1min @ 100% FTP (85% PE)
1min @ 110%FTP (95% PE)
2min easy @ 45% FTP (<50% PE)
3min @ 90% FTP (80% PE)
1min @ 100% FTP (85% PE)
1min @ 110%FTP (95% PE)
2min easy @ 45% FTP (<50% PE)
3min easy @ 40% FTP
Bonus Minutes - Total workout is 2:00
5min building from 40-75% FTP
2min easy @ 40% FTP
3 rounds:
5min 90% FTP (80% PE)
2min easy @ 40% FTP (<50% PE)
2min easy @ 40% FTP (<50% PE)
3 rounds:
5min 90% FTP (80% PE)
2min easy @ 40% FTP (<50% PE)
Cool down
5min easy @ 40% FTP
Wednesday November 13th – Too Many Men
15min warmup – building from 40% to 80% of FTP (or building to about 70% PE)
2min really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
6 rounds:
20 sec @ 120% FTP (as hard as you can ride!!)
40 sec easy @ 40% FTP (<50% PE)
2min really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
5 rounds:
3min @ 100% FTP (90% PE)
1min really easy 45% FTP (<50% PE)
30sec @ 130% FTP (95+% PE)
2min really easy 45% FTP (<50% PE)
2:30 really easy 45% FTP (<50% PE)
3min @ 100% FTP (90% PE)
6min really easy 45% FTP (<50% PE)
Bonus Minutes: Total workout is 2:00
3min build from 70-90% FTP (55-75% PE)
2min really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
3 rounds:
10min @ 85% FTP (75% PE)
3min really easy 44% FTP (<50% PE)
2min @ 100% FTP (90% PE)
2min really easy 45% FTP (<50% PE)
Extra 4min really easy 45% FTP (<50% PE)
Thursday, November 14th - Thick, Hot, Sticky
15min warmup – building from 40% to 80% of FTP (or building to about 70% PE)
2min really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
4 rounds:
20 sec HARD 120% FTP (95%+ PE)
40 sec easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
2min really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
2 rounds:
-3min 100% FTP (85% PE)
-1min really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
-2 x 1min strong @ 105% FTP (85% PE), 1min easy @ 40% FTP (<50% PE)
-2 x 45 sec strong @ 110% FTP (95% PE), 1min easy @ 40% FTP (<50% PE)
-3 x 30 sec strong @ 115% FTP (95%+ PE), 1min easy @ 40% FTP (<50 PE)
-1min really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)PE)
3min 100% FTP (85% PE)
4min really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
Bonus Minutes: Total workout is 2:00
8min building effort from 50-80% FTP (45-70%
2min really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
4 x 1min strong @ 100% FTP (85% PE), 1min easy @ 40% FTP (<50% PE)
6min @ 90% FTP (80% PE)
2min really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
4 x 45 sec strong @ 105% FTP (95% PE), 1min easy @ 40% FTP (<50% PE)
6min @ 90% FTP (80% PE)
2min really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
4 x 30 sec strong @ 110% FTP (95% PE), 1mni easy @ 40% FTP (<50 PE)
6min @ 90% FTP (80% PE) 7min
really easy 40% FTP (<50% PE)
Zoom Sessions:
Tues/Thurs 6AM EST:
Meeting ID: 958 2808 3855
Passcode: 356556
Tues/Thurs 9AM EST:
Meeting ID: 980 4405 2351
Passcode: 760199
Wed 7:00PM EST:
Meeting ID: 990 7588 3391
Passcode: 172475
Things to know about our cycling sessions:
“FTP” stands for “functional threshold power”. It is basically the best power you can hold for 1
hour outside. To mimic that on a trainer, we do a 20minute interval and multiply whatever
power you can hold for 20 minutes by 95% to get your indoor FTP. If you haven’t done an FTP
test, but train with power, take your best guess based on the perceived efforts we provide. We’ll
plan to do an FTP test soon. If you don’t ride with power and don’t know your FTP, no problem!
Just follow the workouts and focus on trying to hit the perceived effort targets we provide, or
you can use the HR zones listed below.
Let’s break down a line of one of our workouts to help make sense of our shorthand:
4 rounds:
-20 sec HARD 150% FTP (GO GO GO)
-40 sec EASY 30% FTP
Don’t worry about perceived effort here, just GO GO GO. Then ride REALLY easy for 40 seconds.
Here's how we break down perceived effort (PE):
60-70% PE – I can still hold a conversation, but I might have to take pauses to breathe. Zone 2 HR
70-80% PE – I can speak phrases, but maybe not full sentences. Zone 3 HR
80-90% PE – This feels pretty hard and I could only hold this power for 20-30minutes at the most. I can speak single words, not completely sentences. Zone 4HR
90-100% PE – The best I can hold for the duration of the interval. The only sounds I make are animal noises. Zone 5 HR
Don’t worry, we’ll have an expert coach to take you through each workout and remind you where you need to be. If you have any questions about the workouts, please don’t hesitate to reach out either via our private Facebook Page, or directly to Head Coach Jess Smith