ADVANCED Women's 16 Week Half Iron Distance Triathlon Training Plan


1 review

ADVANCED Half Iron Distance Triathlon Training Plan

Have you already completed a Half-Iron Distance race (70.3) or several other triathlons and are looking to take your racing to the next level? We partnered with the world-class coaches at Hardcoeur Coaching ( to bring you this advanced half-iron distance triathlon training plan. Before you start make sure you can complete 30min of swimming, 35miles of cycling, and 8miles of running.

Just place the product in your cart and check out. You will receive an email with the link to download the plan.  

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Michelle Aleva
LOVE. This. Plan.

I am about 4 weeks into this plan and I couldn’t be more pleased. The workouts are easy to understand and because they load directly into Training Peaks they are also easy to analyze. The other reason I chose this plan is bc it incorporates strength and stretching. There are YouTube links with demonstration videos to take out any guessing. Though I am not yet at race day, so far, I’d use this training plan again in a heartbeat. In fact, I’d also consider adding on a coach from Hardcoeur; based on this plan I’m pretty sure that too would be phenomenal.