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How the tour helped us fall in love with Cycling again.

Le Tour Logo
 The 2014 version of the Tour de France has started and at Coeur, we can honestly say we are excited. We’ve had a love affair with cycling and the Tour is the sport’s biggest moment in the sun. I must emphasize the word “honest” because, if I am really, really honest, I’d tell you that my relationship with the tour has been rocky the last couple of years.
Reginald Holden

We talk about one tough female triathlete

Marison getting chemo One of our favorite sayings is that “Steel Sharpens Steel”. Hang around hard working people and you’ll probably work harder. Run with fast people and you’ll likely run faster. We think the same holds true with toughness. Associate yourself with strong-willed individuals and…well…you get the point.

Mondays. We like them because we can recap your triathlon, cycling and running exploits.

Before I get too far into this, I have to let you know that this is Kebby’s husband writing. Usually, we collaborate as a team on our blog posts but today, it’s just me. Today is a rather special day and I knew that Kebby would put the kibosh on this blog if it made it to her editorial desk.

First, let me provide a bit of context. Just like the esteemed Mr. Bob Geldof (yes, showing my age with that reference), I don’t have the rosiest relationship with Mondays.

But...this year is different.   

Air Force Couple

Mom & Dad

Reginald Holden