It’s been a busy couple of weeks at Coeur and we wouldn’t have it any other way. To the extent that it is interesting, here’s what we have been up to.

Size Matters. If you recall, we had posted a Brand Positioning blog on our site a while back. In the blog, we tried to explain our views on inclusiveness (we’re for it), race results (love them but really celebrate the effort) and wine (we’re for this too). We received dozens of comments on the blog and one of them mentioned that our triathlon kit sizing needed to be reviewed.   As a result of this feedback, we decided to size down our tri-kits. Going forward, what used to be a Large, will now be a Medium. The Medium a small and so on.  

Depends on how you look at it. In the good news/not quite good news category, we’re going gang-busters on sales. The positive is that our gear has been receiving great reviews (especially the seam-free chamois in our tri shorts). The challenge is that with everything selling so fast, the inventory on a few items is running low. We work with two different factories here in L.A. and we have placed bigger orders with both of them to help us catch up with demand. Our new shipments will be coming in over the next couple weeks and you’ll see the gear on the website.

Hey…I’ll take a gram. Not that! Instagram. If you haven’t checked it out lately, hop over to the Coeur Instagram site ( Andrea is one of our Ambassadors and she has taken over management of the site. Andrea has an amazing eye and her talent comes through in the pictures she takes.

Old Instagram Logo

Where can you find us? The best place is right here on the Coeur Website. 

Boston was brilliant  We were glued to the television during the Boston Marathon and we still can’t get over the race. Not only did our Ambassadors put in some amazing performances but we also got to see an American win on the men's side and in doing so, lift up the spirits of the entire country.  On that note, there has been some discussion recently about the results. People questioned how such an elite field could let Meb get away. We think we know the answer. The other racers saw an older (from a racing standpoint) American make a move and they didn’t think he could maintain it. We, on the other hand, saw an enormously gifted athlete who also happens to be a great person, make an incredibly courageous break away that paid off. Few people race with as much Heart as Meb and when you add the courage of the break away with the size of his heart you get Heart and Courage.  Hard to go wrong with that combination. Congratulations again Meb!

Emily Joller Running

Ready, set…shoot. Or snap. Or click. We’ve been working on some upcoming advertising and it has been a lot fun. First, we invited Katie Hursey and her ITU racing boyfriend Tommy Zaferes in to do a photo shoot and to do an interview with the legend – Bob Babbitt. You’ll see some of the shots on our Instagram site and others in upcoming print advertising. Then we brought Hailey and Andrea to L.A. to do a re-shoot for a few scenes of our upcoming T.V. advertising campaign. The commercial will air on Universal Sports during some upcoming endurance sports events. We’ll share more details when the editing is complete and will post a version on our web site.

Film Making Board


So there you have it. We’ve been busy but, like we said, we wouldn’t want it any other way.

Happy Training and Racing

Your friends at Coeur.

Reginald Holden