They say one of the roles of a teacher is to prepare students for the future.  In that regard, endurance sports is one hell of a teacher.  It teaches us how to work hard. It teaches us humility. It teaches us how to set goals and the thrill of meeting them.

But maybe most of all, it teaches us to endure hardship.

If that is the case, then our next athlete is definitely a straight A student.

It is with sincere admiration, a dose of awe, and great pleasure that we announce our Heart and Courage Ambassador, Amy Gluck!                                                   

Amy Gluck and Chrissy Smiles

In September of 2012, Amy was in Michigan putting the final touches on her annual Kona prep when she nearly lost her life. While on her last long training ride, Amy, who had the right of way, was hit by a gravel hauler truck. Her injuries were devastating and many thought she would not survive. In fact, most thought she wouldn't. A beloved member of the triathlon community, that community was in shock.

But those who know Amy know that she was a fighter and she never gives up.  In an awe-inspiring display of courage, tenacity and toughness, Amy endured a medically induced coma and multiple surgeries.  She continues to make her way down the long road to recovery today and by God, she is back on her bike trainer and in the pool.

We’re thrilled to welcome Amy to the Coeur team. Because she is the embodiment of our Coeur namesake, she is our first Heart and Courage Ambassador.  We know she will continue to inspire and amaze everyone she touches.   You can find Amy on Facebook.